Saturday, September 15, 2007

Photo of the Year! (for me at least...)

Thanks Tara for a fantastic opportunity to have 3 days of teachings with His Holiness, The Dalai Lama...and this photo, priceless! (remember the MasterCard Ads?)
Notice my right hand on His Holiness' left shoulder? (ok..fingers just poking out) :P

Another Quote of the Day...
"Always recognize the dreamlike qualities of life and reduce attachments and aversions. Practice good-heartedness towards all beings. Be loving and compassionate, no matter what others do to you. What they will do will not matter so much when you see it as a dream. The trick is to have positive intention during the dream. This i the essential point. This is True Spirituality."
Quoted from the book - The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

Your comments please? I've been living this quote as much as possible during this journey...and it RAWKS! :)

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