Monday, September 24, 2007

A Quick Summary of India...

A visit to India is an assault on the senses. It is a noisy, brash, garish, smelly destination. Yet simultaneously it is a place of great tranquility and spiritual wisdom. One can't attempt to understand it. One just has to take it all in and let it change one. - Quoted from the book The Kama Sutra of Business by Nury Vittachi

This statement I definitely agree! Here are some videos to show u the enormous assault on me! haha..

Scene from the train station at a very un-peak hour, like 11am in a suburb area...
Also, i have not shared my experience of being nearly squashed alive whilst trying to disembark from a train during peak hour yet!

My crazy SSY coursemates who were singing with full gusto the whole 3 hours from the ashram back to Mumbai!

Capoeira performance @ Bandra Beach by Aparna's (whom I couchsurfed with in Mumbai) group. Check out the crowd surrounding us!

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